The Art of Effortless Living

For groups

You wonder more and more why you are on this earth plane and why you do what you do. You feel Life just seems to take a lot of energy and there just seems to be no reason for it. There not even seems to be a reason for Life itself. Life starts to feel uncomfortable and meaningless to you. You think of this more and more and you cannot find any answers or reason for Life. You get caught up in your mind about this and experience a lot of dis-ease.?

You are desperately longing for Life to:

be lived with ease

be joyful

nourish you

be without doubts

have reason

be aligned

be lived effortlessly

You will learn to be aware where your attention is going. To let the energy in the outer world be in the outer world and do not let this affect you. In a group you will practice this and therefore be able to discover what your truth is. Accepting what is in the world around you and not being affected by it, no matter how light, heavy or dark you experience it. It is all about feeling into the energy that resonates with you and that you need. Moreover, what your body, your True Self and your Conscious needs.

When connection in groups, we inspire each other on these and on a lot more topics. The strong energy in groups makes us support each other with ease and lifts us up to greater heights.

Healing Prana Flow

You are fed up with the way you eat. Your food intake does not make you feel good at all. You get tired of digesting but also of your own behaviour. Whether this is about eating too much, too little or about what is considered not to be at all healthy.
Together we are going to explore what food means to you and what beliefs you have around eating. We look into what is really going to nourish you and how you can obtain eating habits that suit you. When your food intake is resonating with what you really need, you will be much more energetic, healthy and feeling good about yourself. Without any effort!

Half day workshop

Dates will be announced soon

Online and live

If applicable area Oirschot/Eindhoven

Healing Prana Embodied

Together we look into the logical and basic principles of Healing Prana. We are going to explore what Healing Prana can do for you and include the influence of food intake. You will be given an experience about this influence already during this day.
Your cells will be cleaned and opened with light breath work and/or body scan visualisation. We also will pay attention to feeling the sensations that might come up in your body. This will support you in feeling into your body.
At the end of this day you feel embodied and be conscious of what is good for you. Effortlessly.

1 day workshop

Dates will be announced soon

Online and live

If applicable area Oirschot/Eindhoven

Healing Prana Aligned

To get into alignment we are going to explore and practise all about the possibilities of Healing Prana. You are already embodied and now will get aligned with your True and Pure Self. Looking into the influences of what you eat, is part of feeling what food intake resonates with you.
On a deep level you will feel into your body and make sure Divine Healing Prana is flowing freely through your body. Your Consciousness will expand even more so you will feel the deeper meaning of your life. Effortless Living comes to you!

1 day workshop

Dates will be announced soon

Online and live

If applicable area Oirschot/Eindhoven

Healing Prana Enlightened

When wanting to learn all about Healing Prana and to immediately take it into practise, this Healing Prana Enlightened 2-day workshop will provide you with the opportunity to let Divine Healing Prana flow freely through you and to expand your Consciousness.
Due to the longer period of experiencing what eating is doing to your body, this experience will be more intense. You will learn what is really feeding your body. Together we explore what resonates with you and you will learn and experience how to feel deeply into your body.
The deeper meaning of your life will become clear in an effortless way.

2 days plus workshop

Dates will be announced soon

Online and live

If applicable area Oirschot/Eindhoven

When having followed the Healing Prana Embodied workshop within half a year of following this 2 day workshop, a 20% discount will be given. When having followed both the Embodied and Aligned workshops no longer than half a year before the dates of this Healing Prana Enlightened, 30% discount will be applicable.

Healing Prana The Art of Effortless Living

The Art of Effortless Living is presented to you in this 4-day workshop retreat. Together we will explore all of its opportunities. You will be carried by Divine Healing Prana which allows you to go deep within your True Self. You will expand your Consciousness and discover the meaning of your Live.
With ease you will obtain the Art of Effortless Living.

4 days plus workshop

Dates will be announced soon

Online and live

If applicable area Oirschot/Eindhoven

When having followed the Healing Prana Enlightened workshop within half a year of following this 4 day workshop, a 20% discount will be given.

Let the Art of Effortless Living come to you!

We come together and sit down with integrity, in a safe setting, open and unconditionally, live or online. I will, with accepting all there is, guide you and the group towards your own specific way of Effortless Living. Your thoughts have quieted down and you have explored how to feel deeply so you know what resonates with you. Your Consciousness is expanded and your True Self discovered again. Divine Healing Prana is flowing freely through your body. Carried and supported by the group energy, you will connect with your True and Pure Self with ease.


Life becomes effortless, which will bring you:

Increase of health

Eating patterns and habits that support you

Knowing what resonates with you

Expansion of your Consciousness

Resonance and flow in your life

Living Effortlessly

This is how life is meant to be

You and the group will get my full attention and presence while Consciousness is supporting me. Our coming together, either live or online, will lead you towards living in resonance and finding your meaning of life. Divine Healing Prana will freely flow through you. Through Healing Prana and activating your body?s self-healing ability your Consciousness will expand and you will live from your True Self. This is how life is meant to be.



Full of energy






We come together in my house where light energies are supporting you in this process.
Also online we can create this setting and Healing Prana Workshops are therefore offered live and online.

Let Healing Prana flow freely through you so that you find reason for your Life and live with ease. How Life is meant to be: Effortless

Reason and meaning in your Life

Your Life is meant to be Effortless.
Please feel invited to connect and together we will explore how you can reach this.

With Love, Caren

feel free

Let's connect Effortlessly

For more information, questions and connection, feel free to contact me:

Healing Prana
Caren van Overdijk
De Donk 21
5688 RT Oirschot

Mob: (+31) (0)65324 0678