The Art of Effortless Living

For employers & employees

For Employees

As an employee you are tired all the time and drag yourself to work every day. You work really hard and you still give all you have. You experience stress and do no longer seem to be able to work hard without getting stressed out. You feel pushed all the time and this is even affecting your private life. It is getting harder and harder to do your job to the utmost without pushing your boundaries too far. The passion you felt for this job, is nowhere to be found anymore.
If you keep going on like this, you end up stressed out and eventually in a burn-out. You might already be very close or even in this burn-out.?

For employers

As an employer you see your employee is losing balance and you feel the need for change as well. You want to offer support but somehow you lost grip on how to make this possible. You try everything you can to prevent your employee to become ill and burned-out but for now you do not see how you can make this change happen. You feel stuck.

As employee

you desperately long for

Work giving you energy again

Being the collegial and happy employee again

Being enthusiastic about your job

Giving all you have with joy

Balance in work and private Life

As employer

you desperately long for employees who

Get energy from their jobs

Are involved and connected

Inspire others

Love their jobs

Are happy at work and at home

Working Heart

When you start working from your Heart instead of working hard, you will again feel inspired, involved and connected so work becomes passionate and Effortless again.

It is time to stop working hard and to start working Heart. This allows you to again feel enthusiastic and full of energy about your job. You will thrive towards Effortlessness in your work and consequently in your private life. Feeling connection and involvement in your work is important to you and you are searching for being committed to your job.
As an employer, this is exactly what you want from and for your employees.?


This will bring you

Enthusiasm about your job

Connection and involvement

Feeling what resonates and what is good for you

Balance in work and Life

Energy and liveliness

Working effortlessly

Effortless Working from the Heart

We sit together in a quite setting where you feel at ease. To start, I will guide you through a short body scan from which we are going to explore how you can start feeling your body again. By getting into your body again, you stop overthinking, come out of your head and get back into feeling your Heart again. You experience more peace and quietness. You will be able to relax again. This opens the opportunity to start working from your Heart. We pay attention to what gives you energy and to what serves your body and Heart to the utmost. We look into what made you take this job in the first place and of course whether these expectations are still met and where not.
I will guide you in this process, so you will experience feeling your Heart again and therefore start feeling what resonates with you. You will experience the difference between working hard and working from the Heart. Your Heart knows what suits you and therefore you will again be able to feel your Heart and start living from your Heart instead of mind. I guide you to feel deeply so your Heart is opened and Healing Prana can flow freely through your body. You will feel energetic and aligned, completely in line with Life. In an Effortless way.?

You will get my full attention and presence while Consciousness is supporting me. Our sitting together is the start for you towards working from your Heart. Ofcourse this is having lots of benefits for your private Life as well. From the Heart and in resonance, work and Life become Effortlessly. This is how work and Life is meant to be.



Full of energy






From my Heart to Employers

Thank you for being here and reading this. It means a lot to me and probably even more to your employee(s). You listen to your Heart as it whispers to you that your employee(s) are working too hard. You care about their wellbeing and noticed that at least for one of your employees, their stress level is too high and probably has been too high for quite some time. Whether this started at work or is due to their private situation, you understand that wellbeing in both work and Life is necessary for employees to be involved and connected.
Please feel free to connect with me when you are wondering about how to be able to change the anxiety your employer has to deal with. If you notice more employees or a team as a whole could use less working hard and more working Heart, please connect with me. I am experienced in working in groups, in business settings as well as in private groups. From Heart to Heart(s).

Heart work

We come together either at your work place or in my house. In my house light energies will be supporting you in this process.
Also online we can create this setting and Working Heart is therefore offered live and online.?

For the energy exchange and support I offer you, a compensation of € 111.00 per hour (excluding travel expenses and excluding VAT if applicable) is requested. Please reserve at least 1.5 hours of your time, we might be exploring together for this period of time or even sometimes longer.?

I guide you to a deeper feeling into your body and especially into your Heart. You will no longer let your Life be led by your thoughts, by working hard or other things you might feel obliged to. Working from the Heart is working and being in your Essence, in what resonates for you. Divine Healing Prana will flow freely through your body, giving you lots of energy and the opportunity to feel into your Heart.

With my guidance I support you with my full attention and alignment in Consciousness. However, you yourself create and experience your own Divine Healing Prana and for working from your Heart, you yourself will feel your Heart. All insights, all answers to any questions you may have, you find within the Divine Healing Prana in yourself, in your Heart. Effortlessly.?

Let the Art of working from your Heart come to you!?

Let Healing Prana flow freely through you so that you work and live from your Heart. How it is meant to be: Effortlessly from the Heart.?

You long for peace and quiet in your work and Life

Let Healing Prana flow freely through you so that you work and live from your Heart. How it is meant to be: Effortlessly from the Heart.

Please feel invited to connect and together we will explore how you can reach this.

With Love, Caren

feel free

Let's connect Effortlessly

For more information, questions and connection, feel free to contact me:

Healing Prana
Caren van Overdijk
De Donk 21
5688 RT Oirschot

Mob: (+31) (0)65324 0678